Produced by Neela Film Productions Private Limited, Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (TMKOC) is India’s most-watched daily family comedy show. The show’s success is attributed to its close connection with Indian society through its storyline and characters. It’s complete his success more on my birthday.Ĭelebrate it’s success. Taarak mehta ka oolta chasmah is the best & favorite show for ever. My childhood and Still Favourite show #TMKOC completes 13 years /SrHY5UMeEaġ3 years of #TMKOC /wyTTa03c06 It’s not only journey of Tmkoc team but also the journey of viewers … Feeling so happy because I enjoyed this journey as a viewer Here are the Top 3 scenes which I love the most. Thank you for making my childhood awesome. A proper family show with hell of laughs. When you are dying but then remember a #TMKOC meme #13yearsoftmkoc #HasoHasaoDivas /FpxuXE2gvSĬongratulations to #TMKOC team for completing 13 years!! Always been my most favourite show! Keep making ppl laugh.
Me and my gang moving from new episode to old episodes of #TMKOC /sQo1GxDeZgġ3yrs of tmkoc #TMKOC /7sSanS0HLM Taarak Mehta ka ooltah chashmah is not just a show, it’s an emotion dost❤❤Ĭongratulations to the whole team /4GRVxK585H